How to lock an Azure resource group

Connect to Azure:

How to connect to Azure via Powershell (first time)
Requirements: * PowerShell 5.1 * .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later. * Azure Powershell Module Check Powershell Version: # PSVersioncheck $PSVersionTable.PSVersion Check .NET Framework Version: # Check for .NET Framework 4.7.2 Get-ChildItem ’HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full…

Query and choose a subscription

$Subscription = Get-AzSubscription | Out-GridView -PassThru
Select-AzSubscription $Subscription

Query and choose a resource group

$ResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup | Out-GridView -PassThru

Define locktype

$lock = 'ReadOnly','CanNotDelete'
# Choose one

Define lockname

$lockSite = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please define a locksite name'

Set lock

New-AzResourceLock -LockLevel $lock -LockName $lockSite -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName  -Force

Get lock

$ActiveLock = Get-AzResourceLock -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName | Out-GridView -PassThru

Remove lock

Remove-AzResourceLock -LockId $ActiveLock.LockId

Complete Script:

(with a little bit of automation)

#                                                                          #
#   Created by                                                             #
#                                                                          #
# 	  Powershell Skript - Create or Remove a Ressourcegrouplock        #
#	  30.12.2019                                                       #
#	  Thomas Bründl                                                    #
#                                                                          #

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To connect to Azure:
#   - Powershell AZ-Module
#   - PSVersion 5.1
#   - .Net - Framework 4.7.2 or later
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Functions
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Show-Menu
    param (
        [string]$Title = '<Value>'
    Write-Host "================ $Title ================"
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "1: CanNotDelete - Press '1' for this option." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "2: ReadOnly - Press '2' for this option." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "3: Remove Lock - Press '3' for this option." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "Q: Press 'Q' to quit." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "========================================"
# Source:

# Vars
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Script
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$Debug = [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Do you want to activate the verbose mode?","Verbose Mode",4,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Question)
If ($Debug -eq "Yes")
    $VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
    Write-Verbose "Verbose Mode activated!"

# Source:

# Connect zu Azure

# Query and choose a Subscription
$Subscription = Get-AzSubscription | Out-GridView -PassThru
Write-Verbose $Subscription

Select-AzSubscription $Subscription

# Query and choose a ResourceGroup
$ResourceGroup = Get-AzResourceGroup | Out-GridView -PassThru
Write-Verbose $ResourceGroup

Show-Menu –Title 'Create or remove lock'
 $selection = Read-Host 'Please make a selection'
 switch ($selection)
     '1' {
         Write-Host 'You chose option #1 - CanNotDelete - lock is going to be created.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
         $lock = 'CanNotDelete'
     } '2' {
         Write-Host 'You chose option #2 - ReadOnly - lock is going to be created.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
         $lock = 'ReadOnly'
     } '3' {
        Write-Host 'You chose option #3 - a lock is going to be removed.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $lock = 'NoLock'
     } 'q' {
 Write-Verbose  $lock

if ($selection -like 1 -or $selection -like 2){
    $lockSite = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please define a locksite name'
    Write-Verbose $lockSite
    New-AzResourceLock -LockLevel $lock -LockName $lockSite -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName  -Force

if ($selection -like 3){
    $ActiveLock = Get-AzResourceLock -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup.ResourceGroupName | Out-GridView -PassThru
    Remove-AzResourceLock -LockId $ActiveLock.LockId

# Source:


Lock resources to prevent changes - Azure Resource Manager
Prevent users from updating or deleting critical Azure resources by applying a lock for all users and roles.
PowerShell – 05 – MessageBox
How to build an interactive menu with PowerShell
If you’re building a script that’s capable of doing various tasks simultaneously, a great way of providing input for that script is to use an interactive menu in the console.