Relative File Paths in Powershell

My first intensive use of PowerShell was for scripting software installations/configurations. From development to deployment, I couldn’t guarantee the absolute file path of my script and any supporting files would be constant. I needed my script to be able to figure out where the supporting files were in relation to itself.

Here are a few suggestions how to solve the problem.

VAR1: $PSScriptRoot (state of the art)

$PSScriptRoot is an Automatic Variable, which are built-in variables that contain information about the PowerShell environment itself. $PSScriptRoot contains the directory path of the script being executed currently. Originally $PSScriptRoot was only applicable to script modules (.psm1), but beginning with PowerShell 3.0, it works for all PowerShell script files.

From the console if I type $PSScriptRoot and press ENTER, it returns nothing. $PSScriptRoot only gets a value when a script is executing, and then is destroyed when the script terminates.

The problem is, that it won't work from Visual Code or PowerShell ISE (IDE Environment)

# DemoScript.ps1
$configFilePath = $PSScriptRoot + "\DemoFile.cfg"
Write-Host $configFilePath

VAR2: $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path (old way)

If there is no option to use PowerShell 3.0 or higher you have to use another Automatic Variable, $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

It can be used in the same fashion as $PSScriptRoot.

# DemoScript.ps1
$scriptPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$configFilePath = $scriptPath + "\DemoFile.cfg"
Write-Host $configFilePath

VAR3: My preferred way

# Query Scriptpath
$PathToScript = Switch (${
    'Visual Studio Code Host' { split-path $psEditor.GetEditorContext().CurrentFile.Path }
    'Windows PowerShell ISE Host' {  Split-Path -Path $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath }
    'ConsoleHost' { $PSScriptRoot }
# Tested on Windows in PS 5.1.


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