Simplest way to gather Input information (Powershell)

For each of my scripts I try to make them as easy as possible so that I have as little effort as necessary to solve an already solved problem again when I use it one more time.

To make this possible, I often use input boxes.

Enclosed you will find a short instruction how to implement this:

Example 1 - Input Form:

# Loading the VisualBasic Assembly

# Creation of an input form, labelled according to your needs with a predefined input value
$name = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox("Enter your name", "Name", "$env:username")

# Display of the value specified in the form
"Your name is $name"

Example 2 - Input Question Form:

# Loading the VisualBasic Assembly

# Creation of an input question form, labelled according to your needs 
$result = [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox( `
  "Do you agree?", 'YesNoCancel,Question', "Respond please")

# Response dependent actions (Switch)
switch ($result) {
  'Yes'		{ "Ah good" }
  'No'		{ "Sorry to hear that" }
  'Cancel'	{ "Bye..." }


An Easy InputBox
All user input and output normally occurs inside the PowerShell console. Simply access the .NET framework directly if you’d like to get back the same dialogs...