Troubleshooting ARC -Agent (Connected Machine Agent) Connection Issues
This article has not been completed yet. However, it may already contain helpful Information and therefore it has been published at this stage.
- A server with an Arc Agent installed
Service Tags:
(that need to be checked / included.)
- AzureAD (previously AzureActiveDirectory)
- AzureTrafficManager
- AzureResourceManager
- AzureArcInfrastructure
- AzureStorage (previously Storage)
- WindowsAdminCenter
For a list of IP addresses for each service tag/region, see the JSON file below:
Download Link: Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags – Public Cloud.
Microsoft publishes weekly updates containing each Azure Service and the IP ranges it uses
I took the effort and built a fully automated solution for this.
Please find below the PowerShell - Script (Tags.ps1):
$rawhtml = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
# Dowload
# Source file location
$source = [Regex]::Match($rawhtml, '[^"]*').Value
# Destination to save the file
$destination = 'c:\temp\ServiceTags_Public.json'
#Download the file
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $source -OutFile $destination
$ServiceTags = Get-Content -path c:\temp\ServiceTags_Public.json -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$region = $ServiceTags.values | Select-Object -expand properties | Select-Object @{Label="Region";Expression={($_.region)}} -Unique | Sort-Object -Property Region | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title 'Select an Azure Region'
# $ServiceTags.values | Select-Object -expand properties | Select-Object region, systemService, addressPrefixes | Where-Object { $_.region -eq $region.Region -or $_.region -eq "" }
$result= @()
foreach ($lookup in $lookups){
$tagresult = $ServiceTags.values | Select-Object -expand properties | Select-Object region, systemService, addressPrefixes | Where-Object { $_.region -eq $region.Region -or $_.region -eq "" } | Where-Object { $_.systemService -eq $lookup}
$result += $tagresult
# $result | Select-Object region,systemService
# $result | Select-Object -ExpandProperty addressPrefixes
Write-Output "---------------------------------------"
foreach ($object in $result) {
Write-Output "Service:" ($object.systemService).ToString()
Write-Output "Region: " ($object.region).ToUpper()
Write-Output "IP-Count: " $object.addressPrefixes.Count
Write-Output "IPs: " $object.addressPrefixes
Write-Output "---------------------------------------"
# Refernence:
Expected Result:
URLs to check:
(extracted from the official Microsoft documentation and the further references listed at the end of the blog post)
Depending on the region:
- *
- *
- *
- *
- azgn*
- *
Unfortunately, I was not able to verify / find out all the correct addresse
Microsoft's description is not 100% exact, even if it seems so when reading the following statement.
To translate the *
wildcard into specific endpoints, use the command \GET<location>
. Within this command, the region must be specified for the <location>
This provides the following addresses:
If you use the following URL you will also get a usable result for the * addresses:
So the abbreviation for West Europe is "weu".
For the following addresses I could not collect any URLs.
# *
# Test-NetConnection "" -Port 443
# Test-NetConnection "" -Port 443
# Test-NetConnection "" -Port 443
# Test-NetConnection "" -Port 443
# *
# Test-NetConnection "" -Port 443
# Test-NetConnection "" -Port 443
# Test-NetConnection "" -Port 443
# Test-NetConnection "" -Port 443
I included all these points in a script that handles them fully automatically:
If there were any issues, they would show up at that point.
Modified Script - Connection.ps1:
$rawhtml = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing
# Dowload
# Source file location
$source = [Regex]::Match($rawhtml, '[^"]*').Value
# Destination to save the file
$destination = 'c:\temp\ServiceTags_Public.json'
#Download the file
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $source -OutFile $destination
$ServiceTags = Get-Content -path c:\temp\ServiceTags_Public.json -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$region = ($ServiceTags.values | Select-Object -expand properties | Select-Object @{Label="Region";Expression={($_.region)}} -Unique | Sort-Object -Property Region | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title 'Select an Azure Region').Region
$urls = @('','','','','','','','','','','')
# $ServiceTags.values | Select-Object -expand properties | Select-Object region, systemService, addressPrefixes | Where-Object { $_.region -eq $region.Region -or $_.region -eq "" }
# ((Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$region&api-version=1.1-preview").split('.')[0]).substring(8)
# (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$region&api-version=1.1-preview")
$urls += (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri ("$region&api-version=1.1-preview")).substring(8)
$urls += (Invoke-RestMethod "$region")
foreach ($url in $urls) {
if (((Test-NetConnection $url -Port 443 -WarningAction:SilentlyContinue).TCPTESTSucceeded) -ne $true) {Write-Host "$url is not reachable"}
Verify the connection using the agent:
azcmagent check --location westeurope
Check for Problems using the AMA - Troubleshooting - Tool
Open a PowerShell or Windows Terminal as an Administrator
Change directory to:
cd "C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.AzureMonitorWindowsAgent\<AMA Agent Version Number>\Troubleshooter"
Type AgentTroubleshooter.exe --ama
and press the ENTER
If nothing helps and all the measures listed here do not provide any further information or progress, I recommend uninstalling the agent completely and then performing a clean reinstallation.
Check if network connectivity for Azure Arc Connected Machine Agent is blocked
SOLVED: Missing Windows Server Agent Heartbeat – Check Azure Arc Status