Creating a Virtual Network to deploy VMs using Azure Resource Bridge on Azure Stack HCI

This article has not been completed yet. However, it may already contain   helpful Information and therefore it has been published at this stage.

Tested Prerequistes:

  • Running Azure Stack HCI Cluster
  • Deployed Azure Resource Bridge
  • Global Admin Role

PowerShell - Way:

Update & Install required Tools / Modules:

# On each Node

Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force 
Install-Module -Name PowershellGet -Force -Confirm:$false -SkipPublisherCheck

Restart-Computer -Force
# On each Node

Install-Module -Name Moc -Repository PSGallery -AcceptLicense -Force

Install-Module -Name ArcHci -Force -Confirm:$false -SkipPublisherCheck -AcceptLicense

Restart-Computer -Force
# On each Node

# Install az cli on every Node in the Cluster
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile .\AzureCLI.msi
Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I AzureCLI.msi /quiet'
# Cleanup
rm .\AzureCLI.msi

Restart-Computer -Force

Create VNet

Get-VmSwitch -SwitchType External
Get-VmSwitch -SwitchType External

$vlanID=<vLAN identifier for Arc VMs. A 0 value means there is no vLan ID.> 
$vnetName=<user provided name of virtual network>

New-MocGroup -name "Default_Group" -location "MocLocation"

New-MocVirtualNetwork -name "$vnetName" -group "Default_Group" -tags @{'VSwitch-Name' = "$vswitchName"} -vlanID $vlanID

az azurestackhci virtualnetwork create --subscription $subscription --resource-group $resource_group --extended-location name="/subscriptions/$subscription/resourceGroups/$resource_group/providers/Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations/$customloc_name" type="CustomLocation" --location $Location --network-type "Transparent" --name $vnetName --vlan $vlanID


Create virtual networks (preview) - Azure Stack HCI
Learn how to create virtual networks (preview).